Starting a blog can be a stressful thing to do, especially if you are a first-time blogger. Even the veteran bloggers run into issues at some point, and it typically has to do with web hosting. Make the decision to switch web hosts can even be a harder decision to make if it means paying a higher fee to get a new plan that will solve your current issues. I have been in the online blogging world for many years and have changed hosts many times. From my past experiences, I have come up with six web hosting companies that have the best packages for WordPress blogs at a reasonable price. You want a web host that is built for WordPress blogs that will provide you the best performance possible. Remember, slow blogs tend to make visitors unhappy. Users don’t want to wait more than six seconds for your blog page to load. They will jump the ship to your competitor because their blog has a blazing fast load speed.
Visitors typically find your blog through searching for specific information and they don’t have time to wait for the content and images to load, so they leave. This is not only bad for your bounce rate and overall SEO, this will most likely turn off anyone from ever coming back to your blog, even though you may have fixed the speed issue. First impressions mean everything in the cyber world, and that means an excellent user experience. You have a few seconds to make an impression to keep that visitor on your blog or they will disappear forever. Google is obsessed with page speed. Shouldn’t you be?
There are certain web hosts that I have used at one point in time and truly believe they are good web hosts to use for hosting WordPress blogs. By all means, search almighty Google for reviews on these web hosts. Keep in mind, some reviews are from people who have had one bad experience and trash the web host without even contacting support or attempting simple plugins. You can see a list of plugins we use on our Plugins page that are 95% compatible with the latest WordPress version.
Let’s get started:
1. Kinsta WordPress Managed Hosting

The headquarter of Kinsta is in London, and the subsidiary office is located in Budapest.
Kinsta is a managed WordPress hosting supplier for both small and large businesses as well as the professional developers hence they try not to hold back on performance to pursue clearance room costs.
It is powered by Google Cloud Platform, which deals with all the needs of their customer’s websites. It provides a standard set of facilities and in addition it to it, will look into the customized needs of every client in regards to their websites. The operations of Kinsta are managed and run on upgraded technology and consider support important.
Previously, Kinsta was solely a top notch have, with costs beginning at $100. That is changed now, however. Starting in November 2017, Kinsta totally revamped and launched again with an all-new estimating arrangement that begins at just $30 every month.
It is a known fact that organizations and expert designers require a considerable measure of intense specs, tools, and highlights to maintain their organizations efficiently.
Organizations heavily depend on the site speed and streamlining, and proficient developers can’t offer that if the hosts they utilize cannot keep up with the dynamics of the circumstances. Since Kinsta is entirely powered by Google Cloud Platform, this entails that all its servers are operating on a cloud-based infrastructure similar to that of Google. To put it simply, Kinsta uses the same system that Google utilizes to run the operations of its own products. Hence due to the efficiency, it offers if one’s site encounters a hit with an irregular spike in rush hour gridlock, your cloud server will scale naturally to suit it.
Along with this, Kinsta’s dashboard is easy and convenient to use, without any great hassle and provides an access to the database which is crucial at all times. Moreover, it offers a highly secured network and is equipped with features like security protocols, daily backups, constant checks and firewalls.
Some of the basic features it offers are:
- The website is fully managed by Kinsta
- It offers an ultimate speed
- Provides daily backups
- Allow for free migrations
2. Dream Host Shared Web Hosting

Shared web hosting is not a bad thing to be on despite some negative reviews from former customers. Keep in mind that a bad review does not always mean the web host sucks, it could have been a number of things to why someone left a negative review. I never decided if I want to buy web hosting or not based solely on user reviews. I read all the details on the web host website and ask hard pre-sales questions. If you are just starting out blogging and want a blog to just experiment on, then shared web hosting is a perfect choice. Dream Host is a web host that provides top-notch hosting for only $7.95 per month. You get a free domain with your purchase of the shared hosting plan. Here are some facts about Dream Host. (Note that they do have hosting sales pretty often).

Every penny counts, you know. There are no setup fees with Dream Host, free domain registration, and Domain Privacy Protection. All that is free if you sign up today!
They have a money back guarantee!
3. SiteGround Hosting

SiteGround offers with their WordPress hosting package: a one-click install option, a free domain, free template installation, and transfer from another web host at no cost. I would suggest the “Grow Big” package for starters. With this one, you get a lot more features for a reasonable price. The free template installation is not a WordPress theme but I can teach you how to install one for free if you share my blog’s URL to your social media followers.

Go check out SiteGround’s managed WordPress web hosting packages. This is a good affordable web host. I would recommend you start out with the “StartUp” package which has a special introductory price of $3.95. The pricing chart is below to give you a brief idea of what monthly investment is needed.

4. Godaddy Managed WordPress Hosting

Godaddy managed web hosting is a rock solid, good option to go if you are willing to invest money into your hosting. At one point in time, WPOutcast was using this same type of web hosting and was on the “Ultimate” package. I have zero complaints and zero issues during my hosting time with them. In fact, with the idea’s I have for WPOutcast and my other secret plans, I decided to invest $30 for cloud web hosting and moved from Godaddy to the new host. The very last section on this page is my current web host.
With this managed hosting plan, you can get your blog up and run quickly at no extra charge. All I had to do was upload a Genesis Framework theme and began customizing it once the DNS had switched over. They have a one-click migration tool so you can migrate from your old host to Godaddy in less than a half hour, or create a new blog from your Godaddy’s user panel.
During my time with Godaddy, I wrote up a tutorial for: How To Install WordPress On Godaddy Managed WP Hosting
The one thing that I noticed while being on Godaddy’s Managed WordPress hosting was the blazing page speed. I strongly recommend that you give this specialized hosting a try for at least 30 days. You may not want to switch web hosts ever again! The packages are priced reasonably even for the regular shared web hosting that they provide.

Speaking of shared web hosting, Godaddy has a special for shared web hosting this month. Tired of Waiting for your Website to Load? $1/ mo Hosting + Free domain!
Don’t miss out on that great deal!

Visit the Godaddy managed WordPress hosting page to learn a lot more details.
5. HostGator – WordPress Cloud Hosting

At this point in time, HostGator now has web hosting catered to WordPress admins. This type of web hosting is just perfect if you want blazing speed, Convenient Simplicity, Advanced Security, Seamless Scalability, and Superior Support. The shared web hosting packages are cheap, but nowhere near as powerful as there managed cloud ones. All of your time now should be dedicated to the normal operations of blogging, not page speed or plugin issues.
Did you know, that sometimes a number of plugins that you have installed, as well as other issues, result in slow loading speed, and this can be blamed on your web host? To fix this, cloud web hosting is your answer.
HostGator now provides this! WPOutcast is in the cloud, and I’m sure you’ve noticed the seamless page navigation. My current web host, listed as the last host on this page, is cloud hosting just like Gator. I recommend gator for sure.
Sometimes forgotten but….
Did you know that you can also buy a domain from Hostgator? Now you can buy a domain and web hosting from the same provider. This is an all in one package for real.

If have not done so already, do take a look at web-hosting over on HostGator. You can get all the details you need and use the live chat to ask those pre-sales questions. There is a package on there with your name on it.

6. BlueHost – WordPress Hosting

Blue Host is one of my top choices for specialized WordPress hosting. They have packages dedicated to WordPress blogs. Visit their website, click on “products” in the menu bar and select WordPress Hosting to see the managed WordPress packages. Your blog will run in a top-notch hosting environment with excellent support at your fingertips. If you can not afford this type of web hosting then the regular shared web hosting works well too. It depends on your budget and your blog’s needs. Bluehost has specials from time to time as well.

Give Blue Host a 30 day trial with their managed WordPress hosting and notice the difference from shared web hosting.

7. WPEngine – Managed VPS Hosting
If you want only the best and willing to pay the high fee, WP Engine is the host to use. I have not used them but know a lot of bloggers who do.
WPEngine has specials every now and then and these are usually limited so act fast to get these savings. Slow blogs don’t succeed.
UPDATE: January. [year]

Preparing for future things in the online world in my neck of the woods. I have moved over to Cloudways Hosting and I am loving the experience so far. To prove that downtimes don’t happen too often with this blog, the below image is how long ago it was from the last downtime that happened.

- Suggested Tutorial: How To Migrate WordPress To Cloudways Hosting
- A Must Read: WPOutcast’s Experience With Cloudways WordPress Hosting

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