<'+sp+'div style="clear:both;">

var shrls_ifrm_240 = document.getElementById('shrls_target_240');
shrls_ifrm_240.width = 500;
shrls_ifrm_240.style.border = 'none';
shrls_ifrm_240_Node = (shrls_ifrm_240.contentWindow) ? shrls_ifrm_240.contentWindow : (shrls_ifrm_240.contentDocument.document) ? shrls_ifrm_240.contentDocument.document : shrls_ifrm_240.contentDocument;

For more information about this web host, just visit the WPEngine homepage.


SiteGround Promo Links

SiteGround is a very good web host for performance wise. There are many great reviews online about them. As you can see in the image above, they typically do not provide any coupon codes but if they do it will be emailed to you with the start and end dates. On holidays you can check in the banner section to see if any holiday banners are added. Christmas was there last special offer and I hope another one comes out soon. Those deals are so good, it’ll convert for you.

Check out SiteGround’s homepage to learn more about them. If you know a few friends that might switch to them, have them do this under your affiliate URL.

Is there any more web hosts I can promote?

Like I mentioned earlier, the web hosting industry is a huge market and there are a lot more quality/top notch web hosts to promote. The list above only includes affiliate programs that I have used and made money from, which is why the list is short. I only recommend programs that I have succeeded with that pay their affiliates on time. Be sure that whatever web host you become a part of, that you subscribe to their mailing list. In doing this, you will receive news on certain promotions starting very soon, allowing you to prep yourself to promote their offer as soon as it goes live.

I’ve listed the other web hosts that I’m affiliated with on our recommended web hosting page.

If this blog post was helpful, do consider sharing it online with your followers.


About Derek Price

Derek writes for WPOutcast, a blog sharing WordPress themes, Genesis Framework themes and a couple of useful tutorials. By night he is a Team Leader in the IT industry, during the day he is a WordPress and coffee junky.

Reader Interactions


  1. AdithyaAdithya says

    So joining Commission Junction is better than joining the individual web hosting company affiliate program right?
    I was hoping to get into affiliate network of godaddy and hostgator as well….
    I will lookup and read more about Commission Junction before applying.
    Thanks Derek.

    • Derek PriceDerek Price says

      Yes in my opinion. Hostgator pays out better then there internal program plus you can use coupons to give to your followers. Same goes for godaddy as well. 99Designs is on there as well and I promote that program. I Belong to shareasale and not always do the programs I have joined have coupons available.

  2. AdithyaAdithya says

    Thanks Derek….
    Thanks for letting me know your honest opinion. Ya i think coupons are definitely a bonus and users love it.

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